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Maya Learning Channel
This tutorial shows you how to apply textures to a compound rifle model.
Autodesk 3ds Max Learning Channel
In this multi-part tutorial, you learn about the new Arnold Renderer, MaxtoA, and what it brings to 3ds Max 2018.
3D Tutorials and News
Luckily, this quick tutorial shows you a quick fix for this, and any other sort of heel/feet issues you may encounter.
Christoph Schindelar
Christoph Schindelar Studio
This is a detailed tutorial about a possible setup with RD-Textures in Cinema4D using VRAY-Renderer.
Autodesk 3ds Max Learning Channel
In this tutorial, learn how to use Motion Paths and Bezier handles to control your animation without reverting back to the Curve Editor.
Architecture Inspirations
Architecture Inspirations team
In this video, I show you how to create realistic materials in Vray 3.4 for Sketchup
Glenn Frey
How to catch reflections using the Shadow Catcher shader in C4D.
This video covers the basics of lighting an interior scene using V-Ray in SketchUp
3D Tutorials and News
The Leather Generator is one of the embedded Substance material generators in Character Creator 2.0.
Mario Tran Phuc
Join us for this free webinar by Technical Director Mario Tran Phuc, in which he will introduce you to dedicated workflows for rendering motion design content with Cycles 4D.
Kevin Gohler
Render VR images for Samsung Gear VR
Architecture Inspirations
Architecture Inspirations team
This is the start of the Quick Tips series where I make very concise tutorial videos. Hope you enjoyed!
Javanshir Shukurov
Javanshir Shukurov Design
Patch Deform 3ds Max Tutorial. Enjoy!
ARQUI9 Visualisation
A sped up and narrated tutorial from start to finish of a matte painting, applied to a architectural visualization scene.
In this video, we go over rendering very high resolution images together with their separate render elements which we could use for greater control in compositing.
Kevin Gohler
GPU rendering with V-Ray RT in 3ds Max - A Quick Tutorial and Review of V-Ray 3.5 features
ARQUI9 Visualisation
In this tutorial you will find 5 Photoshop tips for better architectural visualizations. Enjoy!
Autodesk Learning Channel
In this tutorial you will learn the theory and methods to set up your scene properly with reflection probes in Stingray.
Blender Guru
Andrew Price
Discover why the restricted dynamic range of Blender is causing your renders to look fake.
Chamfer Zone
Tim Bergholz
Understand the basic idea behind UV mapping and learn about important rules with an ideal baking pass in mind.
Denis Keman
In this video we will see how to make a 3d model of a kit for easier creation of Chesterfield furniture. Enjoy the video tutorial!
Daryl Obert
Daryl demonstrates how to use Maya’s nCloth to create motion graphics, sharing tips and hidden workflows. Enjoy the video tutorial!
Nicole S. Young
Nicole S. Young Studio
How to remove chromatic abberation in photoshop. Enjoy the video tutorial!
ElectroManiacal Studio
How to add chromatic abberation in photoshop. Enjoy the video tutorial!
Marco Romero
Links compilation about Virtual Reality; main sources of News, Developers Resources, Hardware, Software, Associations, Organizations and Social Activities. Collaborative platform open for subscribers in order to grow the VR Database.
Photoshop 3D
Photoshop Training Channel
Photoshop 3D tutorial showing you how to work with Bump maps, Normal maps, and Depth maps.
Glenn Frey
How to activate Viewport Tessellation.
Francesco Barletta
Francesco Barletta Studio
Francesco Barletta walks us though the steps of making realistic grass using Cinema 4D MoGraph. Enjoy!
Jonas Pilz
Adjust multiple Priorities at once with the Shift Priority tag.
Adán Martín
Adán Martín Studio
Vray 3.55 (nightly) IPR Shading Workflow.
V-Ray GPU Tutorial Displacement and Hair.
Mohammad ِAboul-Ela
Mohammad ِAboul-Ela
Awesome feature in 3dsMax 2017.Design your own pattern or tiling and have an idea about the concept of Shape Map.
3ds Max Learning Channel
In this tutorial, learn how to use the Data Channel Modifier to render a mesh based on its the curvature information.
Lumo Studio ArchViz
Tiago Sillos Padovani
Mudbox to 3D Max - Creating Vector Displacement. This is a great tip collected from several sources on the web, check it out!
Tomasz Wyszołmirski
The aim of this guide is to help with switching to rendering on GPU with V-Ray and has all the basic information needed to better understand advantages and limitations of this approach. Everything below this point is based on our experience with using V-Ray GPU (RT) as our main production renderer.
Stanley Brusse
I'm proud to announce the release of my new online tool to convert Cubemaps to panorama tours!
CG illumination
Abdulrahman Almufti
Volume Fog, Smoke Effect Using 3ds max 2016- NO PLUGINS
Human Alloy
Tristan Bethe
This tip will help you to avoid Red fireflies on blond hair using V-Ray.
Gianmarco Giancr
A step by step tutorial where you will see how to simulate drops of water on a glass using a normal map. Enjoy it!
Visual Center
Joel Stutz
Here you can find a list of interactive simulations designed to explain Vray attributes in the easiest and most intuitive way possible. These documentations are intended to be used for both beginners and professionals as a on-hand online documentation while working on 3D projects.
Freelance Artist
Nadeem Alvi
Render 360° Panorama View in 3Ds Max + Upload on Facebook.
Fuchs & Vogel
Jörg Vogel
This is an interesting article which Jörg Vogel has recently shared on our *Group. You could also take a tour at his website and find some great stuff there.
CGfriends Team
In this tutorial we will create a beautiful puffy cloud scene , we will use particle flow , fume fx and after effect to achieve the result we want, so sit back enjoy and learn.
This video takes an introductory look at V-Ray Proxy Objects where we will take a look at how to use proxies in V-Ray to handle high density geometry and to improve file IO.
Freelance Artist
Mike Pickton
In this video I try to resolve smoothing issues on a course mate's van model.
Freelance Artist
Mike Pickton
This is a series of videos of 3ds max tips and tricks which we found really useful for beginners and not only!
Black Parasite
Ryu Tada
Nice way to animate a fountain using 3ds Max.
Gianmarco Giancr
In this tutorial I show you step by step how to create water drops in 3Ds max, as distributed on the surface of the object, set its size and use the MultiScatter plugin, create water material and render test, the correct settings for a render good quality.
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300x250 Renderpeople
300x250 Extreme Textures 3
300X250 Raw-Textures
300X250 World Visualization Festival
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