VWArtclub is a community of thought, a shared 3d art gallery, a thirst to know how 3d design will evolve worldwide, a respect for this way of art and a decision to record this fact visually.
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Rebusfarm | Fast and Easy Rebus Render Farm Service
Rebusfarm | Fast and Easy Rebus Render Farm Service
Render your 3D projects at the speed of thought on our render farm, which is a data center consisting of high-performance computers, specialized to render digital images, animations and visual effects.
Creative Lighting.
Creative Lighting.
We offer architectural visualisation courses designed by the most experienced artists and leaders in the archviz industry.
Horoma School.
Horoma School.
Your companion course to understanding composition, crafting better visuals, and running a successful archviz studio.
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VW Team
This is not a unique but a simple and quick way to create a displacement map in Photoshop.
Freelance Artist
Amjad Alhosaini
A few weeks ago, Amjad Alhosaini from Syria made a sensation with his personal project "Temporary shelter". Reading his article we noticed something which made us see deeper inside the artist's soul. He was creating on his digital canvas while he was thinking that he may soon be dead...
Some of our members prompted us to create this article which includes several sources on the net with free V-Ray tutorials for beginners.
Technicolour Spaces
Vamvakas Anastassis
One of the most important articles for 3d artists who aim to learn how to create an aesthetic and functional interior space. Special thanks to Anastassis who shared all those useful articles with us.
In the last few years the magic tool of HDR is widely used in 3D Industry. Therefore, we wrote this article to help our members familiarize themselves with HDR and even experiment and create their own first Hdri picture. Special thanks to our *Club Member Zbigniew Ratajczak who gave us his HDR images which we used in this article. Enjoy it!
Freelance Artist
Oliver Radford
A really powerful script that allows you to change the properties of materials or textures in your scene, selection or material editor. Donate Oliver as we already did, he deserves it.
Technicolour Spaces
Vamvakas Anastassis
PROPORTION is expressed in terms of the size relationship of parts to the whole and to one another. It also deals with shapes and forms and their dimensions. When these relationships are pleasing, compositions are characterized as well-proportioned. Proportions are evaluated on the base of ratios, or the comparison of sizes.
Freelance Artist
Loukas Koutsouris
A very nice and detailed making of article about the Crossed House by Loukas Koutsouris who explains the workflow he followed for his personal project. Enjoy it!
Wal lArt
Klaiton Frank
MyWallArt 3d Wall Panels give an extra dimension to your walls!
Pasca Putra
In VW Artclub we try to collect some of the best 3d designers all over the world. When we see artworks like this one with a great mood and feeling we want to learn about the artist's workflow and we love to take some of his tips to add in our design process. Here Pasca did a great job and he gives us some useful tips especially in Post Production. Enjoy it!
Several sources on the web with free V-Ray materials.
Vudu Motion
Dusan Vukcevic
Dušan made a very nice close up of Rodent prototype a few weeks ago. Well lighted and carefully designed materials were the point of his shot. We asked him to write a short making of article about his workflow and he kindly prepared it for all of us. Enjoy it!
Vassil Pepelyankov
A 20-minute crash course covering shading basics, simple lights setup, Global Illumination and Render Elements.
Freelance Artist
James Burrell
James Burrell created this outstanding image and posted it on our Facebook group a few weeks ago. We asked him to write this Making of in which he describes his workflow and some useful tips. One of the best points in this shot is the atmospheric environment with a lot of post production work. Enjoy it!
Pablo Kujman
Pablo Kujman from Cuádrica 3D wrote a making of for his game scene. We asked him to write this article in which he describes his workflow using Cinema 4D and V-Ray. One of the best points in his game scenes are the mixed colours everywhere. Enjoy it!
Technicolour Spaces
Vamvakas Anastassis
The principles of design act as guidelines to help us create physical spaces, as well as presentations, graphic designs, fabric designs, etc. As stated in the previous article, design principles can be thought of as the visual grammar applied to the elements, a way to manipulate and arrange them in order to create a substantial and aesthetically complete design.
Gathering scattered data from the internet again and with our experience we will try to give some basic knowledge to our members on how they can shoot a cool 3d interior visualization.
Krono Original
In this tutorial we tried to show you how you can use Krono Original website to download your 3d floor with several wooden slates. You can also use those HR maps, 2048px each one, with Floor generator and multitexture.
Vasilis Koutlis
In this tutorial we tried to show you some basic tips for colour correction in both V-Ray frame buffer and Photoshop. We hope that you 'll find it useful and helpful trying to correct your image's colours.
Heavenly Pictures
Heavenly Pictures Team
This is a very small, but usefull script for 3ds Max. It can increase the performance of the viewport by showing all objects in the scene as a box, except the selected objects. So you can see the selected objects normally and you can work on it.
All the best free textures websites in an article.
DAD Rendering
Campagnoli Marcello
40 Ways to speed up your V-Ray rendering.
Petropoulos Andreas
Hello everyone! My name is Andreas Petropoulos. I am an architect and founder of BLANKWALL Arch-Viz Studio which is located in Greece. Vasilis contacted me in order to write a ‘Making of’ on this small project that I have created. I would like to thank Vray World for the invitation and for giving me the opportunity to introduce a part of my work.
Branko Živković
With this tool you can easily set up the basic parameters of V-Ray Physical Camera F-Number, shutter speed and ISO to mimic real SLR camera.
In this article I will try to explain how perspective works in photography. When we observe a photograph on the computer screen, we are looking at a 2d representation of a real 3d scene. In fact,perspective refers to the relationship between the objects in an image as well as position, size, scale and space between them.
The static nature of architecture is great for 3d photographers. We can really plan a shot and we can also create the environment we imagine. There is a number of specialized fields within the 3d industry, one of which is 3d architectural visualization.
We created this first article trying to combine real world"s lighting and digital camera"s properties with V-Ray lighting and V-Ray camera"s properties. It"s not an advanced tutorial but it"s very helpful for all those new 3d artists who aim to understand better the basic principles of real lighting and the relationship with digital photography.
Clovis Gay
A new tool quickly made in my spare time for wall creation.
Freelance Artist
Andklv Narod
A useful script we found trying to work with a reference image.
Populate 3D
Populate 3DTeam
Populate Terrain is a scripted plugin for Autodesk 3ds max. It assists in creating and optimizing terrain surfaces from contour lines or from existing meshes.
Freelance Artist
Oliver Radford
A really powerful script that allows you to change the properties of materials or textures in your scene, selection or material editor.
Monotone Minimal
Monotone Team
mmRegions is a free script which helps you manage the render regions in your scene. Use is to save/load different regions, and to batch-render multiple regions.
Jorge Adrian Fernandez
At first glance it"s so difficult to tell if Jorge A. Fernandez"s work is rendered or just a real photo! He won the Vray World Award of December 2012 for the Best VizObject. So we asked him to write this short article for all of us. Enjoy it!
Freelance Artist
Luis Llamas
Spline FFD is a tool that allows you to move multiple vertices at once, moving the points of a spline.
Technicolour Spaces
Vamvakas Anastassis
Creating a complete and aesthetically pleasing 3d scene relies primarily on good knowledge and use of the elements and principles of design. The elements provide the visual tools to create a design from scratch, whereas design principles can be thought of as the visual grammar applied to the elements, a way to manipulate and arrange them, in order to build around the subject matter of our intended image.
Peter Oldorf
Peter Oldorf from Lichtecht won the Vray World Award of December 2012 for the best ArchViz image. We asked him to write this Making of in which he describes his workflow and some useful tips. One of the best points in this shot is the real warm lighting coming from the building. Enjoy it!
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