VWArtclub is a community of thought, a shared 3d art gallery, a thirst to know how 3d design will evolve worldwide, a respect for this way of art and a decision to record this fact visually.
Join us for this free webinar by Technical Director Mario Tran Phuc, in which he will introduce you to dedicated workflows for rendering motion design content with Cycles 4D.
Cycles 4D is INSYDIUM LTD’s new dedicated bridge plugin allowing Cinema 4D users to access the Cycles Rendering Engine directly inside Cinema 4D.
The following topics are covered: • Exploring the core bridge to Cinema 4D • Material workflows using Mograph Tools • Cycles 4D; seamless integration with X-Particles 3.5
Demo Scene Files: The stunning demo scene files that are created during the webinar by Mario are available for download.
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