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Navid Ahmadi
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Navid Ahmadi

Based in Iran.


\\r\\nI am a cg artist and I am very interested in this field.\\r\\n I live in Iran and in the city of Isfahan.\\r\\n I started my activity in 2019.\\r\\n Over time, I learned different software until I reached the level I am now, and every day I am trying to gain more experience.




Architecture, Interior Design, Digital Art.


Related Projects.

Geometric reflection
I am very happy to be able to share my latest design project with you. This building was designed and modeled using Blender software and the Render Cycles engine. The metal facade with diamond geometric forms g
Evermotion Village
My image shows an outdoor winter scene
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300x430 RebusFarm 2024
300x300 VWAI Backgrounds Vol4
300x430 Creative Lighting
300x430 Horoma
300x250 Extreme Textures Archi Tadelakt
300X250 Raw-Textures
300X250 World Visualization Festival
300x250 Donate
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