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Stanciu Laurentiu
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Leadson Viz

Stanciu Laurentiu

Based in Romania.


Leadson Viz visualizes every project in a unique way, exploring new possibilities in expressing emotions in its creations. We visualize built and unbuilt architecture.
Our final product gains its specific charisma with two key ingredients we add during each step of production: Our passion and dedication.
We always keep looking for new technologies and develop further techniques to offer the most up-to-date illustrations and designs. 




Architecture, Interior Design, Digital Art.


Related Projects.

Gare de l Ouest
Leadson Viz
Gare de l'Ouest with its iron forged gothic train station facade.
Leadson Viz
The story: I created a space in a green area, at the end of a forest and.. looking towards a large plain field, like a great skyline.
Concept Skyscraper
Leadson Viz
The entire project shows a few conceptual skyscrapers and different editing techniques
Concept Skyscraper
Leadson Viz
Project Credits Concept skyscraper – Leadson Architects Team: arh. Laurentiu Stanciu
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300x430 RebusFarm 2024
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300x430 Creative Lighting
300x430 Horoma
300x250 Renderpeople
300X250 Raw-Textures
300X250 World Visualization Festival
300x430 LeonardoAI
300x250 Donate
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