In the realm of this project, we step into the shoes of a child, traversing a landscape where curiosity reigns supreme. Birthplace holds no sway; rather, it is the boundless spirit of exploration that guides us
Here, in the realm of childhood wonder, questions cascade like a babbling brook: Why? How? What?
Imbued with the audacity of youth, children seek to unravel the mysteries of the world. They are alchemists, blending disparate elements to conjure new realities. Let us fashion realms anew from the elemental shapes of rectangles, circles, and triangles, birthing creatures yet unseen!
In the playground of the young, bravery knows no bounds. Here, mistakes are but stepping stones on the path to discovery. Yet amidst their diversity, all children share a singular quest: the relentless pursuit of knowledge! Imagine a school not confined to the rigid boundaries of curriculum, but a sanctuary where each child's unique talents find nourishment and flourish.
Category: Educational
Location: Senegal
Status: Unbuilt | Conceptual
Designers: Ahmad Eghtesad, Ali Nazari
Structural Engineering: Dominik Eberharter
3D Modeling & Visualization: Ahmad Eghtesad
Year: 2023