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a cultural hub that strengthens the bonds of the local community

Every day is the last day for a building or location, that is never going to be used or visited again for an untold number of reasons. Edifices fall into decay, are abandoned, and are left exposed to time, weather phenomena, or vandalism. Italy is not an exception to this. And it is not only about buildings within the city context such as offices, and stations. or factory districts. Through time, remote locations in many regions, even entire villages and towns are reaching zero population. This is leading to centralization, thus losing the local character, identity, and bond that a place once had. Repurposing existing structures on these occasions is not a simple task. In order to be successful, take advantage of their full potential, and bring life back to these abandoned spaces and their surroundings, one needs to look deeper into the problem.

For the Borgo di Castellazzo and the barn area, time seems to have stopped. Every year fewer and fewer residents are living. Today it is 16. Tomorrow? This local population has daily needs, a way of living, and a story to tell. As a result, the creation of a community asset is of vital importance. An all-inclusive place and space that will merge all the needs and be a point of reference, linking again all the elements lost through the course of time. This separates wings that do not fly, and some that do in architecture and adaptive reuse. Not forgetting the purpose of reusing a space or building.

The Overlap Cultural Hub offers fresh perspectives on the past, present, and future of the space. How it can function in a variety of ways. A cultural hub can offer a wide range of activities. Overlap does not go outside its bounds; rather, it seeks to assist, strengthen, and forge new ties within the local community of Bollate. To enhance what the Foundation Augusto Rancilio has been performing over the past 30 years. Provide the locals of the Borgo with an Activation Area, improve the quality of life for those who live around Castellazo, and care for the wanderers of the Villa. The people, the activities, and the spaces are all overlapped to produce the aforementioned effects.




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