Freelance Artist
Quiet and Wild
Just for fun, I love spent time exploring new concepts and testing new techniques
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Freelance Artist
“Another fun project. This was made to practice and improve my skills in 3ds Max and FStorm (the best GPU engine ever). The idea is to create environments from scratch and see where the imagination leads us…”
Freelance Artist
Just for fun, I love to spend time exploring new concepts and testing new techniques
Freelance Artist
Just for fun, I love to spend time exploring new concepts and testing new techniques
Freelance Artist
Just for fun, I love to spend time exploring new concepts and testing new techniques
Freelance Artist
Just for fun, I love to spend time exploring new concepts and testing new techniques
Freelance Artist
Just for fun, I love to spend time exploring new concepts and testing new techniques
Freelance Artist
Just for fun, I love spent time exploring new concepts and testing new techniques
Freelance Artist
Just for fun, I love spent time exploring new concepts and testing new techniques
Freelance Artist
A big challenge for me, recreate a City!!!
Freelance Artist
A personal project to recreate an old space full of memories
Freelance Artist
This project was a challenge for me because I had never before recreated a real place from a photo reference
Freelance Artist
This is a personal practice to improve my skills and do something different
Freelance Artist
This is a personal practice to improve my skills and do something different