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Freelance Artist

The wooden house

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The wooden house is an architectural work based in Brazil, by Lucas Vinícius.

The house with a linear contemporany desigh can provide social interaction as well as privacy for guests and family, the height of the roof and the thickness in the wall with the same clad wooden structure in both sides makes a natural system in temperature, creating an adorable environment to stay in the middle of the forest, the highlight about this architecture with a modern wooden structure surely is the balcony creates warm and elegant atmosphere with a contemporany shape, the steel stud framing system provides the ideal solution to create the versatile structure achieveing the needs about the architecture, that´s makes possible to do what was designed above the balcony in the main facade, a wooden deck was conceived to span the width of the common area and the outside space was thinking to overlook and feel the nature with adoreble crosswind at the same time.




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