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Mojtaba Pourtahmasbi

House on the Cliff

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A house on a rugged cliff, designed with four angular boxes, captures panoramic views. Its fractured exterior of concrete, wood, and rusting metal mirrors the rocky, snowy landscape. White scratched galvanized

A house on a rugged cliff challenges the notion of pristine walls, embracing nature’s imperfections. Perched high, it redefines harmony with its surroundings, designed with four angular boxes to capture panoramic views in all directions. Its fractured exterior echoes the jagged, rocky landscape, blending seamlessly with the harsh, snowy terrain. Vertical concrete plates anchor the structure to the cliff, mimicking the rock’s texture and color for an organic connection. Wood adds warmth, reflecting the nearby forest, while rusting metal columns enhance the earthy tones of the environment. White scratched galvanized sheets mirror winter snow and spring greenery, harmonizing with the black rocks below. This design feels like it has grown from the cliff, rooted in its raw beauty. The interplay of concrete, wood, metal, and galvanized sheets creates a resilient, timeless aesthetic. It respects the landscape’s rugged elegance, integrating thoughtfully with nature’s cycles. Beautiful nature deserves our love, respect, and careful design consideration.




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