VWArtclub is a community of thought, a shared 3d art gallery, a thirst to know how 3d design will evolve worldwide, a respect for this way of art and a decision to record this fact visually.
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Project Of The Month
Weekly TOP10
Rebusfarm | Fast and Easy Rebus Render Farm Service
Rebusfarm | Fast and Easy Rebus Render Farm Service
Render your 3D projects at the speed of thought on our render farm, which is a data center consisting of high-performance computers, specialized to render digital images, animations and visual effects.
Creative Lighting.
Creative Lighting.
We offer architectural visualisation courses designed by the most experienced artists and leaders in the archviz industry.
Horoma School.
Horoma School.
Your companion course to understanding composition, crafting better visuals, and running a successful archviz studio.
Be A *Member.
Be A *Supporter.
Be A *Wanderer.
Be A *Studio.


#VisualWander2022 is our annual Architectural & 3D Photography *Contest. The winners win remarkable prizes from VW Sponsors as well as money in cash!


#VisualWander2022 is an internal contest for the *Supporters of our *Club.



1. Creation of the project Dec. 2021 - Nov. 2022.
2. Only Still Images are acceptable. 
3. TOP3 winners should send us a valid invoice in order to get paid. For EU citizens a registered VAT Number is a must.


Prizes TOP3.

TOP3 projects will receive money in cash.

1st Place:  700€
2nd Place: 500€
3rd Place:  300€


1st Place Prizes:


V-Ray -> 1 year of FairSaas 1WS + 3 Nodes license.

RebusFarm -> 300 Render Points.

Corona Renderer  -> 1 year of FairSaas 1WS + 3 Nodes license.

NAG ALL -> 1 Free License for  NAG Automatic Library Lister | NAG ALL PRO.


2nd Place Prizes:   


Corona Renderer  -> 6 months of FairSaaS 1WS + 3 Nodes license.

RebusFarm -> 200 Render Points.

NAG ALL -> 1 Free License for  NAG Automatic Library Lister | NAG ALL PRO.


3rd Place Prizes:   

VIZPARK  -> Omnitiles Standalone - Perpetual.

Corona Renderer  -> 3 months of FairSaaS 1WS + 3 Nodes license.

RebusFarm -> 100Render Points.

NAG ALL -> 1 Free License for  NAG Automatic Library Lister | NAG ALL PRO.


The submissions end on 30/11/2022 and the winners will be announced on 30/01/2023. 


Jury Team.

VWA *Club Artists.


Frequently Asked Questions.

1. How many projects can I submit?
As many as you wish but only if they have been created during 2022.

2. What does 3D Photography mean?
3D Photography = Very high level of realism for architectural visualization and only still images, not animations.


Interest in *Sponsorship.



VWArtclub *Sponsors. 
































Have a great 3D Year & Keep rendering!
VWA Team.


go back
300x430 RebusFarm 2024
300x300 VWAI Backgrounds Vol7
300x430 Creative Lighting
300x430 Horoma
300x250 Renderpeople
300X250 Raw-Textures
300X250 World Visualization Festival
300x250 Donate
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Be A *Wanderer.
Be A *Studio.