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Technicolour Spaces
Vamvakas Anastassis
This is an article which speaks about Classical Arabic Design With Western Contemporary Trends. We thought that it will be useful for some of our *Members who work on more classic renderings quite often. Enjoy it!
Technicolour Spaces
Vamvakas Anastassis
The love that 3d artists have for Scandinavian design is obvious. For this reason we created an article in order to help you by giving some tips and guidelines concerning the Scandinavian interior design style. Enjoy it!
Technicolour Spaces
Vamvakas Anastassis
Good lighting design involves providing both the proper quantity and quality of light to perform a task. Different visual tasks under different conditions require varying levels of illumination. The variables involved in lighting for task performance include the nature of the task itself.
Technicolour Spaces
Vamvakas Anastassis
Although Interior Design & Decoration are the disciplines which deal with the manipulation of spatial volume, the placement of specific elements and furniture, the treatment of surfaces, as well as the overall intention of creating spaces which impart a particular character and atmosphere, it is Interior Styling.
Technicolour Spaces
Vamvakas Anastassis
Crowding - Territoriality - Furniture Groupings & Design Principles. One of the most important articles for all 3d artists who aim to learn how to create an aesthetic and functional interior space. Special thanks to Anastassis who shared all those useful articles with us.
Technicolour Spaces
Vamvakas Anastassis
One of the most important articles for 3d artists who aim to learn how to create an aesthetic and functional interior space. Special thanks to Anastassis who shared all those useful articles with us.
Technicolour Spaces
Vamvakas Anastassis
PROPORTION is expressed in terms of the size relationship of parts to the whole and to one another. It also deals with shapes and forms and their dimensions. When these relationships are pleasing, compositions are characterized as well-proportioned. Proportions are evaluated on the base of ratios, or the comparison of sizes.
Technicolour Spaces
Vamvakas Anastassis
The principles of design act as guidelines to help us create physical spaces, as well as presentations, graphic designs, fabric designs, etc. As stated in the previous article, design principles can be thought of as the visual grammar applied to the elements, a way to manipulate and arrange them in order to create a substantial and aesthetically complete design.
Technicolour Spaces
Vamvakas Anastassis
Creating a complete and aesthetically pleasing 3d scene relies primarily on good knowledge and use of the elements and principles of design. The elements provide the visual tools to create a design from scratch, whereas design principles can be thought of as the visual grammar applied to the elements, a way to manipulate and arrange them, in order to build around the subject matter of our intended image.
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