Francesco Barletta walks us though the steps of making realistic grass using Cinema 4D MoGraph. Enjoy!
Hello VWArtclub people! I ‘m Francesco Barletta, an interior designer and 3D artist from the south of Italy. I ‘ve created this noncommercial project in my free time in order to improve my skills in Cinem4D.
Especially i would like to re-create the exterior part so what's better then a grass concept?Here i will show you the final image and below all the steps that i went through.
At first i put on my scene a Cinema4D “Land Object” on which i will composite after the grass.
I chose 3 different kind of grass and multiply them with Cinema4D MoGraph on the Cinema4D “Land Object”.
So let's clone and merge all the grass types toghether!
Clone 1
Clone 2
Clone 3
Final grass merged.
I order to approach a more realistic result i multiplied in instances some bushes and trees.
For the lightningi used a “corona Sky” and a “Corona Sun”. I lower the intensity in order my final image not to be burned.
Corona Camera Settings.
For texturing the grass i just used a diffuse map with a low reflection and a bump map.
A little Translucency gives to the grass more realistic level.
I activated also the denoiser parameter!
Corona Renderer Settings.
After rendering u can see here the raw image. It looks really nice!
However, I made some post production to correct the exposure and i also added some Contrast, Saturation and Level in Photoshop in order to get the final image ,which you can see here.