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ArchViz Salaries Employees

Using a sample of 60+ Countries and 300 sources, we prepared a list of statistics which shows the situation concerning the salaries per country in our ArchViz world.

The list.

Before you go for the list, we strongly recommend you to read our suggestions below. 

1. Our TS (Total Score/country) doesn't mean 100% that you have to target in this country. There are so many aspects that you must evaluate according to your needs. 

2. RCM (Recommendations) is valuable information which is coming directly from our members and not a confusing one which grabbed somewhere on the web. We improved a lot our first test according to the suggestions of our members.

3. AOS (Amount Of Salary) is something important but not the most important. You have to consider the cost of life per country as well as taxes, level of safety and possibilities of evolution each country can offer you!  

4. VISIT THE LINK and enrich our research according to your personal experience.



General Stats | 64 Countries - 300 Sources.

Average Salary for an employee working in a Studio or an Architectural firm. Average working hours per month = 210.

Junior 851€ /210 = 4.0€ per hour
Inter. 1283€ /210 = 6.1€ per hour
Senior 1853€ /210 = 8.8€ per hour

This average doesn't mean something important but it's a good statistic in order to know which is the average scale of this job for an employee. We hope that during next months we will be able to enrich this list or even create a new one for freelance artists & Studios.


General Stats.

The information is coming from employees, freelancers, owners of studios & architectural firms.


Some general conclusions: 

  • 38% of 3D Artists worldwide believe that they are living in a country which gives high or very high possibilities of evolution. Not bad at all!
  • 37% said that they are working in a safe country. Not good at all!
  • 74% said that taxes in their country aren't high. Sounds good! 
  • 18% said that the cost of life in their country is low. This is a problem!
  • 15% recommend their country for 3D Artists. This is sad even 42% said maybe! 


Have a great 3Day & Keep Rendering!


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