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Mustang GT  1969
Freelance Artist
A 3D rendering of 1969 Mustang GT in a serene autumn park, surrounded by vibrant trees.
Blue Jaguar
Freelance Artist
Blue jaguar in the middle of the tire track.
Mercedes Benz SL 300
Trinity Form
Fully CGI image of the Mercedes Benz SL 300.
Freelance Artist
Software: 3ds max- corona Rende r- photoshop
Volvo V60
Freelance Artist
Volvo V60 Photoshoot in wharehouse
Range Rover
Freelance Artist
Range Rover photoshoot in Iceland.
Alfa Romeo 33 Stradale
Alfa Romeo 33 Stradale 1967, the story of car
Voodoo Priest
Helldoor Visual Studio
1937 Lincoln Zephyr Voodoo Priest - FullCGI
The Light That Hides
Refitting Yacht and new color, interior new
Mercedes-Benz 190 SL
BOKEH Studio
The Mercedes-Benz 190 SL (W121) is a two-door luxury roadster produced by Mercedes-Benz between May 1955 and February 1963.
Vintage Car in Bloom
Freelance Artist
Vintage Car in Bloom , an idea was to bring the retro aesthetics with soft pallet color of car and flower
Volvo V60
Double Optics Studio
Studio personal project done in 2020 using 3DS Max & Corona renderer. Minor colour correction done in Affinity Photo. The renders are straight from corona frame buffer no retouching done.
Audi RS5
RedFox Digital Studio
Audi RS5 is an advertisement sport car scene is located in Germany.
Freelance Artist
Hey Guys , Another Practice I have been doing , hope you like it !
Toyota Yaris WRC 2022
Freelance Artist
Toyota Yaris GR WRC 2022 - Fstorm Render.
Colorful classic world
Freelance Artist
1-Ferrari 330-GT 2-PORSCHE_935-78-MOBYDIC 3-Porsche 906-Carrera 4-BMW-3(Mk2)-E30-cam2 5-FERRARI F-40 1987 Tools : 3Dsmax - Corona Renderer - Adobe PS
Forza Horizon 4 | UE4
Unreal Engine/Real-Time CG Art
Personal project inspired by the beautiful barn locations in Forza Horizon 4.
Land Rover Defender
Double Optics Studio
Land Rover Defender James Bond Edition
Aston Martin Vanquish
Double Optics Studio
CGI insertion of Aston Martin Vanquish into HDRI.
Sun and cloud
There is not always the sun but also clouds like light and dark
The color of the sun
When the sun is reflected in the water
Reflections on the sea
Modeling and photographic shots of a new LongRange
Lamborghini Centenario
GPU Magic Studio
Lamborghini Centenario animation commercial
The Sea
Project for a new long-range navigation shuttle
Bugatti Chiron
Freelance Artist
Return's touch after year of absence
Audi Q8
Double Optics Studio
Audi Q8 test renders using arnold renderer.
BMW X7 2019 CGI
Double Optics Studio
BMW X7 2019 Edition Automotive CGI
Brabham Formula 2 1967
Freelance Artist
An exercise about shading a beautiful automotive model made by Szymon Kubicki. Cinema 4D / Octane / Corel PP
Dodge Charger 1969 RT
Freelance Artist
A long time ago in 2015 I modeled Dodge Charger 1969 RT and made render sharing my model with all of you)): I have decided to re-render with new engine new color and take a part of big team used my model)
Buggy Jumping
Freelance Artist
Never stop having fun! This is my latest personal project, done just for testing some techniques like pbr texture, real smoke/dust simulation and motion blur.
AMG - full cgi
Freelance Artist
A set of visuals made in a full cgi villa exterior. C4D - Octane
McLaren 720s
Freelance Artist
McLaren 720s in Milan Citylife District
McLaren 720s
Freelance Artist
McLaren 720s at San Marco Pass
BMW R Nine T Scrambler
Freelance Artist
BMW R Nine T Scrambler at Garda Lake beach
Porsche 930 Turbo
Freelance Artist
Porsche 911 (930) Turbo (3d model by Karol Miklas)
Freelance Artist
One of my recent projects. I hope you 'll like it!
VW lighting
Freelance Artist
a little exercise in lighting and composition
Alfaromeo Giulia GTA
Freelance Artist
Collaboration portfolio project with Maground.
BMW 3 Series Msport
Mattia Penazzi Architect
Shader study. Cinema 4D | Corona Renderer | Photoshop
Honey Carrera
Freelance Artist
Sometimes, we need to take a look at behind the scene, well, lets see what happened in my studio renders, Honey Carrera is shining now :)) Full CGI artwork 3dsmax - Corona - PS
Audi R8 Performance
Freelance Artist
Audi R8 Performance (2020) on Italian Alps (Gavia Pass).
Mirror Visuals
M I R AG E – I L L U S I O N B Y R E F R A C T I O N O F L I G H T
BMW M4 Competition
Freelance Artist
Someone hate it, some others love it. I must say that the more i look at it and more i like it. This is the BMW M4 Competition on italian Alps.
Porsche 911 vs 930
Freelance Artist
It was the past summer and i was in tuscany for a vacation. Spotted this place and shooted a HDRI set. The scene presents both legendary cars, a Porsche 911 reimagened by Singer and a Porsche 930 from 1975.
Lamborghini Wheel
GPU Magic Studio
Lamborghini wheel/brake pad renderings
The Arrival
Helldoor Visual Studio
A visual short story in 4 acts, based on a photoshooting by the awesome Stuttgart photographer Frederik Dulay-Winkler and revolving around a woman and a car. Classic.
A Farmhouse day
Freelance Artist
As a farm boy I will aways love to be sorrounded by nature.
Freelance Artist
Inspired by the Movie "RUSH" and the music "Lost but Won" by Hans Zimmer
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300x430 RebusFarm 2024
300x300 VWAI Backgrounds Vol7
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300x250 Renderpeople
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