These images were produced for the final assignment of the 2G Academy Advanced Exterior course.
Our task was to pick a handful of buildings as reference for which we would replicate using techniques we learnt over the course. My project the Hue Apartments was selected due to its nice architecture and details. We first had to model the build and then provide options for different camera angles. Once the views were selected we worked on composition before we can move onto the lighting and materials. From here the process spanned many months where materials, lighting and post work was tweaked as the image grew. With the guidance of the very patient Evan Mandala and Reinaldo Handaya, in which many comments were addressed, the final images came to life. These images were only possible by reviewing all the content provided in the course. I would like to extend a big thank you to both Evan and Reinaldo for their ongoing commitment to the each students project, your effort has never gone unappreciated. There also needs to be a big thanks to the judges who took time to critique our images, for such respect artists to even look at the images definitely a highlight. The comments and there input is worth more than the prizes.
3ds max - V-Ray - Forest - Ps.