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Life In A Slum

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A slum is a highly populated urban residential area consisting mostly of closely packed, decrepit housing units in a situation of deteriorated or...


3ds Max | Corona | Ps.

A slum is a highly populated urban residential area consisting mostly of closely packed, decrepit housing units in a situation of deteriorated or incomplete infrastructure, inhabited primarily by impoverished persons. While slums differ in size and other characteristics, most lack reliable sanitation services, supply of clean water, reliable electricity, law enforcement and other basic services. According to UN-Habitat, around 33% of the urban population in the developing world in 2012, or about 863 million people, lived in slums. Slums are the products of failed policies, bad governance,corruption, inappropriate regulations, dysfunctional landmarkets, unresponsive financial systems and a fundamental lack of political will. As an architectural Visualizar my job is to make images of fascinated buildings, to sell something. For my first personal project of the year i wanted to create something different, my point is to focus on what it has happened and still happens in many places of the world. I'm not creating any kind of project and i'm not so pretencious to have a solution, the idea of the images is just to make people thinking . The world and the architectural skill is moving fast with new technologies, but somewhere, not so far from us, there are still people living in these inhumane conditions.




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