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ArX Solutions

The Loft

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Project started with a reference image found on the internet. Original photographer, unknown. Modeling, texturing, lighting, rendering and Post-production, all done by me.

Models are mostly bought from 3dsky or modeled by myself. 95% of the pieces selected in this scene were originally designed by Restoration Hardware (RH). The original image (found on a random Google images search) shows only the brick wall with the wooden floor, capturing a very rustic mood without adding any details or furniture to the space - which, on the other hand, made the place look kind of abandoned and lifeless to me! First time I saw it, I thought it would be extremely interesting to see how it would look like if this place was actually a place where someone lives - without drifting away from the very first impression I had when I first saw the original photo, the cozy rustic industrial mood. And THAT was the challenge. 99% of the textures were built from scratch to match the image I had on mind - and that was the part I had fun.


3ds max - V-Ray - Ps.





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