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Juan Carlos Ramos

Villa S

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Project: FR-EE Fernando ROmero EnterprisE . Residential homes are one of the major challenges for architects as they contain the greatest concentration of use in the least amount of space. Within a house people rest, socialize, work, play, and grow. Villa S was designed with the idea of increasing the habitable area on the property by reducing contact between the structure and the ground. Only the living room actually touches the terrain, while the rest of the rooms float above: a real benefit in a semi-tropical climate. The living room thus becomes the heart of the house, as well as its soul. Located in front of a large park with lots of trees, the terrace is designed to create a spiritual space connected to the natural environment. The building is supported by a concrete foundation that acts like the roots of a tree, sustaining the trunk and the branches that are the house. The steel structure of the dwelling is maintained by tension created by the thirty six-meter cantilevers that stretch out from the living room, creating a strong line and forward movement. The rooms are connected to the upper terrace by the very compression of the structure.a.


3D Max - V-Ray - PS - AE.




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