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Lluis Cuenca

A&C - The Virtual Trip

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Archviz through Culture consists of a Collection of 20 images that ventures the viewer into a virtual trip through the culture and architecture of different countries around the world.

Like many creative people around the world, the lockdown gave rise to a lot of thinking and imagination. In my case, the idea for this project was born out of a desire to travel and discover the world, at a time in our lives when society needed us to be at home. It was then that I asked myself: What can I do from home to satisfy that desire to learn and discover? And so, I ventured into this virtual journey where I decided that from my computer, some internet connection and the tools I had at hand within the architectural visualization it was possible to immerse, soak and recreate, in essence, different cultures around the world. The way I decided to carry out this idea was through a collection of images, where composition, color, light, and architecture were my fundamental pillars with which to forge this goal.

So, after a long period of research and investigation, of virtually traveling through the bowels of the culture and architecture of countless countries, I decided to choose five architectural pieces from different parts of the world, and make each of them a dedicated chapter, where four images digitally produced by me managed to evoke in the viewer the culture and essence of the country where they are located.

This project does not pretend to recreate with rigorous fidelity each of the pieces and places chosen. Instead it aims to capture the essence of the country, the people, the place, and the culture, and transfer it to the viewer in the form of static images created digitally through Archviz, elevating the architecture, and always looking for beauty and harmony in each of the compositions, and in the mood, colors and light chosen for each chapter of this collection.

We can say, therefore, that the main objective of this project is to manifest Archviz not only as an exciting communicative medium, in this case, to connect Culture and Architecture, but also, by the search for beauty in each of its expressions, to define it as an Art.




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A&C - The Book
Lluis Cuenca
Archviz through Culture - The Book. A virtual trip about art, discovery and culture.
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