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This is a personal project. The workflow was basically the same except for the face texturing where I used projection from photos and completed it in Mari.


Maya | ZBrush | V-Ray | Marvelous | Substance | Ornatix.

I sculpted a blocking in Zbrush from a Base Mesh and projected alphas from XYZ for details. There is no rig on him, just a blendshape for the other expression. Rendered in maya/Vray. The hair was made with Ornatrix and global texturing in Substance Painter. I used Marvelous for the clothing, including the hat. I began this character last year for training and I had a break because I was not satisfied enough and took time to have a fresh view. The main objective was to represent the Joker from Allan Moore's "The Killing Joke" comic book as a realistic character without denature the original design. It was very challenging to make him more disturbing/creepy/mad and not ridiculous. I used a lot of references from particular actor faces to make his expression credible. It is not perfect but I am happy with it. I hope you will like it !




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